5 Ways To Accessorize Your Work From Home Outfits

5 Ways To Accessorize Your Work From Home Outfits

If you work from home, you may wonder, “Why do I need to get dressed up every day? Nobody’s going to see my outfit.”

And while that may be true for many days of your week, Zoom meetings still require a professional look from the waist up. Plus, wearing “real” clothes to your WFH job—not just the sweats you slept in—will help boost your productivity! Try these tips on for size to accessorize your work-from-home outfits.

Cozy Cardigan

Strike a balance between comfort and professional style by slipping into a knit cardigan. The extra layer will keep you comfortable in your air-conditioned office and add some professorial style to your look. In addition, if you have a last-minute video call and realize you’re wearing a silly T-shirt, the cardigan will help you cover that slogan up.

Subtle Earrings

Putting on a pair of earrings in the morning gives your brain a signal that you’re about to go somewhere—even if that “somewhere” is just your home office. A simple pair of studs or small hoops adds professionalism without bringing a distraction into the Zoom call.

Kooky Socks

This accessory is more for you than it is for your colleagues! A pair of silly patterned socks will keep your feet warm during the workday. Plus, they incorporate a sense of fun into your workday that you might not have had if you were in the office.

Sparkly Hair Accessories

Want to make your hair look prim and put together at a moment’s notice? Slide a handsewn jeweled headband into your hair before your next Zoom call. The colors and sparkles are sure to attract compliments, and you’ll keep your hair securely out of your face in style.

Matching Athleisure

If the thought of changing out of your stretchy pants makes you cringe, make those stretchy pants a more professional part of your wardrobe! For those who love their athleisure, choose a matching set that’s clean and in good condition. Try incorporating bright colors (not black and grey!) to perk you up before work.

Do your work-from-home outfits consist mostly of the clothes you slept in? Try getting fully dressed before your next workday, and use these tips to accessorize your look. You’ll be amazed to see the changes in your mood and productivity levels!